We are a group of 40 qualified professionals, made of: Musicians, DJs, Journalists, Accounts, Speakers, Graphics, Painters, Marketing managers, Geologists, Music critics, Advertising agents, Engineers, Lawyers, Music editorials-Video Experts and Event managers, which has been designing, creating and managing specific listings, Audio and video, Music-moods, Audio-digital communication campaigns in Italy and abroad since 1997.

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What we do

We offer quality Radio-in-store and Digital signage, with particular attention to management of Palimpsest. We produce multimedia animations and movies, developing the specific needs of our costumers with adequate prices. We also can develop custom music backgrounds..


From entertainment to information

We can satisfy all entertainment, communication and info, but we also can become an information and direct relation tool for our customers’ staff.


Proprietary software

We are SW owners’; continually developed, thanks to our R&D-IT department which is always looking for more efficient solutions and new communication forms.


Music publishers

we collaborate with important and qualified music industry professional figures and we also producers.